I am going to show you how to tie dye a dress. For this simple tank top dress, I chose to use a black color, a nickel color, and a bordeaux. I think I am going to go for vertical stripes, pretty...
I'm going to show you how to create shapes and words and whatever images you want using Elmer's glue. This is not really tie dye but a variation, but its a really fun project and...
I have been a wretched sinner, I have been so cold, Not unlike those Hebrew children in the days of old For they saw Your mighty hand lay Pharaoh's army down, Then forgot your mighty power...
So, I'm going to show you how to straighten your hair using a blow dryer today. So, you're going to take your naturally curly hair, freshly washed. I let it air dry a little bit, or...
I'm going to show you now how to prepare the fabric and how to dye it using the squeeze bottles. So first you want to prepare what we call the activator solution. And that will just be a...
Now, I'm gonna show you how to get roses to open quickly in a floral arrangement. This is a beautiful rose that's already started to open. So first, I'll talk to you about the...
Hello, my name is Carolyn Dean, drcarolyndean.com. I'm a medical doctor and a naturopathic doctor and I live in beautiful Maui. I've finished my 22nd health book, I have a free...
-Hey, you guys. Shane Dawson here. So, I was doing a little, uh, browsing on YouTube the other day and I saw that one of the most-subscribed people of all time was this kid, Fred. Fred is basically...
Another variation on dyeing with squeeze bottles is by using a spray bottle instead, and you can get these really cool diverse effects. So once again, you start with your fabric wet, and...