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Oedipus the King, a la Shmoop. Everyone has their family issues. Most people don't need quite as much counseling as Oedipus, though. Seriously, you should see the yearly psychiatry bills....
Important letter from a child to his parents by Michael Habib Dear Mom, and Dear Dad, Why have chosen to write you a letter The reason is quite simple the subject on the other hand pretty difficult to...
PART TWO - SUBTITLES: ON (ondertiteling uitschakelbaar!) They're the very latest. I just gotta have them! Don't you want them too? What, those basketball shoes? They're...
The Odyssey, a la Shmoop: The Long, Long, Long Way Home Back in ancient Greece . . . . . . people believed there was a god in charge of just about everything. Love . . . ...Death... . . . weather . ....
Wow. [clapping] [Murmuring] 1st Sgt. Greg Swanson is a young but an experienced war veteran who has done tours of duty in Iraq in 2006 and Afghanistan in 2012. And one year on homeland security detail...
The folks at Grandma's Soap say there's a reason why they're so is a better for your skin and extra moisturizing. During the soap making process, called the saponification...
Okay. I overreacted earlier. I'm sorry! This thing with us... you know... I can't get it straight in my head. Because I'm not sure, but I didn't mean any harm....
Flattery has really deceived many Christians into having a FAKE love. They think that flattery is useful to win people into the kingdom. But this kind of love is with a pretense, it is so people will...
Now your little one has come to the terrible two's and you're facing this for the first time which can be a nerve-wracking all deal. Now you have to realize that your baby is growing...