Like many veterans who've recently returned from Iraq or Afghanistan, Anthony Fabiano is looking for a job. As Marine Corps officer, he managed supply chains in Asia and the Middle East....
(Music) Richard Lester: The bootcamp principle is really to put people together into a common setting and let 'em form some common bonds on a common cause. Pam Curry: We're getting a...
אחת העבודות שבה ג'ון כשהוא היה c_i_a_ היה להפעיל את אנגולה תכנית מאוחר יותר הוא עם c_i_a_ וכתב שלו ספרו המפורסם אותו לחפש את הזיכרונות ג'ורג' בוש הוא ירש לא מעט במבצעים חשאיים...



How long do VA claims take to go through? Hi I'm Marc Whitehead, an accredited VA Disability Attorney, helping Veterans Nation Wide Unfortunately the Department of Veterans Affairs takes a...
My entire family is military. My dad served in the US Navy. All the men, on my mothers side, served in the military, forever. And I'm the first female in my family to serve in the US Military....
five-star received two thousand dollar impact our military intervention doesn't make right now upsetness and bestseller who want from our house on the issues involvement was a preaching i...
the new ABC poll asked the simple question was the war in Afghanistan worth it now I this is really interesting because if you guys remember back to the 2008 election or just the time span dove 2004 2...
Today Maori Battalion veteran Reihana Rautahi was laid to rest. Rautahi passed away last Sunday aged 95 years old. Pere Wihongi has more. With the passing of one of their own comes a great loss for...
[♪techno music playing♪] [gun firing] [gun firing] This is the Army Today. Outsmarting IEDs. Task Force Paladin in Afghanistan is using strategic planning to decrease the threat IEDs pose to U.S. and...
I entered Uganda from Sudan. I was married to a Sudanese. After his death, my in-laws turned against me. They turned against me, they tortured me, almost killed me. We are hoping for good things. For...