Healthy but not horrible

Depression can be debilitating and horrible. It is much more than the blues, and unfortunately , it may take a few weeks to several years. Most people are in a battle to beat depression at some point...
hello everyone and thank you for having me here today i'm very happy to be here today public speaking now i have a lot of facts and figures to get through so you'll have to bear with...
Hey guys how are you doing welcome back to my channel this is Fated here and I have been getting quite a few questions about the 8.1 upgrade from windows 8 that basically lowered the resolution on...
Do you know how to know if there is a ghost in your house? Listen for the Ghostbusters theme when you walk in the door. On a night not in October, just in case the music is from a Halloween party. I...
Hey! I am Mark Black and welcome to We are going to be talking about vocal performance. Now I just want to say again the thing about new techniques, remember when we started I said...
Is it good to blow your nose when sick? It’s certainly better to blow it out than eating it. I heard that you shouldn’t blow your nose when sick, since this could spread the germs. It is better to...
I'm curious about the play "Antione." What are the people saying about it? There's no doubt about how great the storyline is, since it is a classic play. Producer Han...