Future food creations

In environmental news, a Brazilian inventor’s solar heater invention benefits many. More than 13,000 people in the nation are using solar heaters modeled after the one constructed by Mr. José Alano...
NEIL DeGRASSE TYSON (Astrophysicist/American Museum of Natural History): Hi, I'm Neil DeGRASSE Tyson, your host for NOVA scienceNOW. Welcome to a brand new season. On this episode, I'm...
SAVE OUR PLANET… Salmon farms leave waters tainted and devoid of life. A recent study by German researchers from the renowned Max Planck Institute’s Dynamics and Organization Department found that...
One of the nice things about the Google Chrome browser is its built-in developer tools. I’m going to show you real quick how these work. First we will do a quick code walk through and then we will...



ADDY OSMANI: Hey guys, we are live on the Chrome Developer channel for the Chrome Office Hours. I think it will be useful for us to go around the room just to see who everybody is. Paul? PAUL KINLAN:...
Hi my name is Rachel Dayan for Expert Village now we're going to add the ears and the trunk into the elephant into our elephant. You take the piece of the black clay and you just make a circle...