~Exif VTech Kidizoom camera 2012:01:21 05:58:39 GPEncoder $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz .JVH !%SFU(F...
Our client came to us looking for an inexpensive way to make their street lights dark skies friendly. Their dark skies complaint lighting upgrade was several years down the road. There were over 200...
"Work will make you free" by TravelPod member mmcgraw001 ... by TravelPod member mmcgraw001 ... by TravelPod member mmcgraw001 ... by TravelPod member mmcgraw001 ... by TravelPod...
Hey, Mamas and Daddies, It's me I am MaxLaine and I am doing this video for Mr. ASAP Rocky. Don't worry if you don't know who he is because I didn't know who he was...
G: Nice game, but it's putty to kill Darth Wader, Darth Moul... you know. C: No! The light side is better! G: Yeah?!! Why?!?! C: Well... Dark side sucks G: Ok dude... C: Light side is...
It was it was deeper, warm, you know, like a substance. I could feel, man, and I knew, I knew my daughter waited for me there. So clear. I could feel her. [Voice trembling] I could feel I could feel a...
The L consonant sound. This sound is especially difficult for people who don't have it in their native language. This might be because there's actually two parts to it. It can be...
Welcome to the infrared security camera demonstration by ApexCCTV.com. Today’s video will cover the infrared, or IR, type of security cameras carried by our company and the unique features is...