So, I want to welcome you to another "Moment for Moms." Last week we talked about body image. Today we are talking about friendship and befriending kindness. So, I don't know...
there are other subsets choice they're subcultures within american culture that in some ways are urls supportive actually of this whole republican notion that you know you're on your...
As far as we can tell, in Shakespeare’s time, there was a, not a fixed category of erotic object choice that someone was either homosexual or heterosexual, let alone bi-sexual, which was a term they...
My name is Lauren and today I am here to discuss hair wrapping techniques. In order to do a hair wrap one of the first things that you are going to want to do is put a braid in the hair like so....
You will be the first to witness the divine miracle! X, what does the scouter say about his power level?! - It's OVER NINE THOUSAND! - WHAT?! NINE THOUSAND?! Kinda... feels like we're...
♪♪ ♪ Here's a nice normal girl in an ordinary world ♪ ♪ Show us your fangs ♪ ♪ Yay! Mona! ♪ ♪ Life goes on, like it's weird ♪ ♪ Soon it's everything you fear ♪ ♪ Show us your...
Hi, it's Jenny from the Missouri Star Quilt Company, and a while ago we did a post on this quilt, but I thought I would do a tutorial and show you how to do it. Now we totally have to...