Hi! My name is Leta Koontz and I'm a yoga instructor at Schoolhouse Yoga in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I'm here today on behalf of Expert Village to teach you some arm balances. Once...
mo support stevia but the rest of it would be to give the people the yoga the point is if you're gonna bring it to people you have to give it to people yet andie macdowell as a young what how...



Hi! My name is Leta Koontz. I'm a yoga instructor at Schoolhouse Yoga located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I'm speaking to you on behalf of Expert Village. Next we're going to...
child prostitution... unlawful imprisonment... verbal and physical abuse... even slavery. these things are happening to vulnerable children every day not thousands of miles away in Asia or Africa -...
[Sadhguru] Do you see this body -- as we have been going through this again and again to the same point when it was born it was so small, now it became this much. Definitely you didn't need...
RUNNING CLINIC Running is a great way of staying fit. As a regular runner, I want to make sure I'm running correctly to stay injury free and, who knows, perhaps improve my performance. So,...
https://www.gordons26point2.com https://www.gordons26point2.com We're at $1050.00 so far. Thanks for your donations. Sorry about that wind noise! https://www.gordons26point2.com We're at...
LEARNING ANIMATION The hardest thing about learning animation is making the decision to do it. “Could I really learn animation?” I hear you say. Yes! Yes, you can! The brilliance of animation is that...