I'd like to introduce something that really needs no introduction if you're a competition shooter you know what this is. This is a Trijicon RMR. This is the RMR08 this has a yellow...
Hello, this is XboxAhoy - and these are the Weapons of Modern Warfare. In this episode, we're taking a look at the G36 platform - namely, the G36C and MG36. The G36, or 'Gewehr...
Replica of the FN Five Seven by Tokyo Marui Slide of the real Five Seven is made of steel, but inside a polymer shell ; it's also very light Which gives to the Marui replica a very realistic...
Hey Guys, Matt here with Fox Airsoft, and today I want to take a peek at the KWA LM4C Professional Training Rifle. Now the LM4 series guns made by KWA are top notch, they are designed to be fully...



The raindrops are conspiring with my hidden desire. The raindrops are conspiring with my hidden desire. Just look... The soft, gentle breeze is saying something extraordinary why this distance between...
Today were going to take a look at the G&G FN Herstal SCAR Light now obviously this video is being brought to you by my friends at godfathers airsoft dot com where you can purchase this gun...
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Hello my name is Mario. Welcome to another Weapon Guide. This time I will be reviewing the second unlockable Assault Rifle included in the Close Quarters DLC, the SCAR-L. This Light Belgian Special...