{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf470 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red26\green26\blue26;\red0\green0\blue239;}...
Good afternoon. Joining me here today are people from across the nation who have either survived gun violence, including recent mass shootings, or have lost family members to gun violence. And if you...
Thai officials assessing whether to maintain a state of emergency, which business leaders want lifted, deferred their decision on Friday, hours after two people were wounded in a shooting at the site...
but new polls about background checks on guns a gun background checks now are more popular than apple pie kittens and baseball nub as many as ninety percent of americans favor full gun background...
taking your audience questions submit them via voicemail to one ninety david p or email through our website david packard dot com john wants to know has david ever shot a gun we can't really...
Steve and Scoot here, we just had a nice morning of shooting with the Leupold CDS dial, CDS again is custom dial system. With many of the VX2 line the VX3 line and the VX6 you have the opportunity to...
Call Of Duty Official #CallofDutyGhosts call of duty ghosts,cod ghosts,new gun,call of duty ghosts new gun,cod ghosts new gun,ghosts new gun,call of duty ghost,PlayStation 4,Call of Duty: Gho,HD,Call...
Hey Guys, my name is anyNoob and today I show you how to change your Battlefield 4 language to English without any downloads and/or updates And I don't only mean Audio Fixes but Text fixes,...



are you filming? Ukraine, guys, Ukraine! Russia, Russia... whistle, bro wot for? (abusive language) wrap it, guys we are working... (abusive language) we had to ....... it is ok like this too.. it is...