Drowning Men by Fanfarlo (Reservoir) Even though the lights have changed I’m caught up in an endless loop Driving for ten hours and then ending up in the same place! Can you hear a rumble under...
It's the glare from the reflection Making patterns in your eye It's the looking back in anger With every second slipping by Undertow has come to take me Guided by the blazing sun Look...



And I don't know if I was holding my breath or not I just have no idea but after a few minutes or whatever time it was, whatever time frame it was I ceased being aware of the fact that I was...
[Verse 1] I'm down to one last cigarette And perhaps two steps left Please God, don't make me feel anymore Anymore [Pre-Chorus] What did you save for me? What did you pay for? [Chorus]...



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The black mamba is an all purpose snake, which mainly searches the ground for small mammals. It is arboreal part of the time and can be found basking on tree tops but it prefers to lay on low branches...
RUNNING WATER SCHOOL BELL (MALE VOICE) Because we’re not all the same. Agreed? Not everyone looks the same. Not everyone thinks the same. VOICEOVER: This is history. TEACHER: And to me, this is where...
While pools are an obvious risk, parents shouldn't let their guard down around other hazards such as bathtubs, buckets, toilets and other water bearing containers. A child can drown very...