Hi! Blair with Professor Savings here, with tips on life lessons for young adults. Life Skill development in young adults help them to function independently and in a responsible manner. Constructive...
[music] Bitsy: Welcome back to The Frugalicious Show now today we've been talking about sending Barbara and Stan on a lovely and much deserved trip to Erin: Mm-hmm and we've been...
Hi! Blair with Professor Savings here, with tips for living on a budget while ensuring savings. By adhering to few money saving tips, you can wisely improvise your habits of living on a budget. 1....
[MUSIC]  Hey everyone and welcome to the Frugalicious Show. I'm Bitsy Jennings joined by my lovely co-host Erin Brooks.   Hello.  Now today I am so happy because we're talking about...
butch Matthews is a 61-year-old former small business owner from little rock arkansas this is a guy I used to wake up at 4am every morning to deliver canned beverages to retailers this was before he...
>> I'm Dr. Robert Campbell, a pediatric orthopedic surgeon and inventor and the father of five children. Throughout my career, I cared for children in need of medical technology...



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ජීවිත ආරක්ෂා කරගන්න ජලය සුරකින්න පෘතිවියේ ඕනතරමි ගස්කොලන් තියෙනවා. මේ වතුර හරිම පිරිසිදුයි. සෙල්ලම් කරන්න ඕන! මේ වතුර හරි සීතලයි. ස්වර්ගයේ හරිම රස්නයක් තියෙන්නේ. එහේ වතුර නැහැ. අදත් මම ආවා සෙල්ලම්...
If I spill, what do we do? We blame it on Dennis, we forget it happened, and we delete all the recordings. Now this looks like, now that I look at, it looks like it's radioactive, but...

