Master of Ceremonies, Distinguished artists, Members of the International Reception Committee, Dear friends here and elsewhere in the world: Our first simple and happy task is to say thank you. Thank...
The situation It's all clear Suitcase is packed for Three, four days A bit calm, a bit quiet We could do with now And then we'll see May the best be Sun goes down (I know) Soon...



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Kerala-God's Own Country. Kerala (Keralam) is known as God's own Country.It is one of the best places in the planet. Kerala is a state in India.It is a major tourist destination and...
Sometimes, important treasures can be found right under your nose! That’s what happened with this new species of horned dinosaur, now featured prominently in the Canadian Museum of Nature’s Talisman...
The Brazil's President Dilma recently approved the construction of the "Belo Monte", the hydroelectric plant that will devastate part of the Xingu at Amazon, and the future...
Hi, my name is David McLeod. One thing I've noticed about personal growth is that it's very easy for me to fall back into old patterns of behavior that don't serve me. It seems...
It was almost Christmas time, there I stood in another line Tryin' to buy that last gift or two, not really in the Christmas mood Standing right in front of me was a little boy waiting...