So we have the extra challenge that Kath and I are both going to share 10 minutes. So I'm going to do the boring corporate stuff at the front, and then Kath's going to do the...
Appropriation. Some schools have thought namely post-modernism suggest there's nothing new under the sun, that ideas are continually recycled like the water we drink. Whether or not this is...
What inspired you to create the abstract the I love you sign? Many people do it the most common way. Yours is abstract. What started that? It happened back then during the college years. I remember...
[Music] ELIZABETH STREB: They call the action Streb. And we think it stands for strength, trust, risk, energy, body. [Music] My studio in Brooklyn, my laboratory, is called Slam! and that stands for...
Então, quero agradecer a Sociedade Humanista Sueca por me convidar, e aquilo que eu gostaria de falar hoje à noite é sobre a natureza da investigação científica e sua importância para a vida pública...
Course literature in SIN-Online If you're looking for course literature the study information network is a good place to start. I'll just pull down the screen to show you the URL. WWW...



[Script Info] ; Script generated by Aegisub 2.1.7 ; Title: A Realidade de Metal Gear Solid 2 ScriptType: v4.00+ WrapStyle: 0 PlayResX: 1280 PlayResY: 720 ScaledBorderAndShadow:...
In the late 1940s, in the process of preparing what we now call the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, when the U.N. after WWII was doing that, UNESCO convened a committee of philosophers to try...
Aimee (offscreen): Can you just start off telling us your name and your role at Indiana State? My name is Elonda Ervin. I am the university diversity officer for ISU. Aimee: Students arrive at ISU...
It is really fun but you do learn different things. Some of the things we did we've never done before. And you have to interact with different people you've never met like from...