Looking back, I think I have had a relatively problem-free - a pretty good and easy life. School and work, and life in general have gone well. There have been some small things of course, just like...
Esta semana na VICE, enviamos Ryan Duffy à China para espiar por trás da fachada da explosão econômica do país. Demos uma volta neste prédio gigantesco e não tem ninguém. Absolutamente ninguém. O...



Kirill Vertyayev, Ph.D., orientalist specializing in Kurds The Kurdish question is not a matter that is exclusively within the jurisdiction of the borders of South Kurdistan. This is a question that...
Maya Lomidze, Executive director of the Association of Tourist operators If a person is a downhill skier, the most affordable is apartments in Austria, Italy, Switzerland, and Andorra. If a skier has...
Village of Shnan of the besieged Jabal al-Zawiyeh. It has been suffering like its neighboring villages from the siege for many months. With us is one of its locals. -May peace be with you. Peace be...
October 1/2. Damascus province. A large gang belonging to Al Nusra Front groups was discovered by an Army unit while checking the newly freed areas in Damascus province during operations to counter...
January 4. Damascus province. Counter-terror operations are going on within Adra Ummaliya town. Operations are complicated by the presence of large numbers of civilians who are used by bandits as...