Diet for chronic kidney disease

Hi! My name is Karl James and on behalf of, I am going to share with you today a recipe that I learned from my mom. It's a dish that she used to prepare quite often at my...
The second case involving a root canal treatment was very interesting. The patient presented in our practice with a chronic kidney infection - that she'd been taking three antibody tablets day...
Good morning San Antonio, IÄôm Karla Macias and welcome back to another episode of the Best Docs Network featuring Forest Park Medical Center, the show thaÄôs bringing you the best doctors right here...
"Meat-Borne Infection Risk from Shopping Carts" In terms of cross-contamination of fecal bacteria, what about just picking up packages of meat at the store? From CDC researchers,...
~I had no energy, I was depressed and felt like Id been hit by a train~ Dr.Ted Reese, DDS, (317) 882-0228 Dr.Ted Reese, DDS, (317) 882-0228 I did not do IV...
K.P. KHALSA: I'm K.P. Khalsa. I'm the lead instructor and curriculum director for the nutritional therapy program at Portland Community College. I've been in this field for 40...