You don't want to end up using your glasses like this. Get cheap not crap. Here are the top websites for glasses under $50. One. Virtual fitting. Some websites offer a way to virtually try on...
It's the story of a truce for which I had asked It's the story of a sun for which I had hoped It's the story of a love I thought was alive It's the story of a lovely...
wife's minson in tone DEA an associate professor Africa African American history among gunnery college as a great piece the last week in a Huffington Post I marking the 20th anniversary of...
Alright guys im just i got up at 12 today which was like afternoon not that good not that good ive got my cereal now im just gunna go into my mums room quickly do my hair while i eat my cereal as you...
i need to make a script one of these days...cant improvise ... vegan tips!!! c'mon is vegan tips hungry...dont mind me bulgur: cracked wheat ......more protein than barley!!!!...
Touka-sama! Don't worry. She just wasted too much stamina. ...Sorry, Aisha-chan. I lost. It's okay... Touka-sama... Good job enduring this long... ...Well then, Ryubi. Sousou......
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Hello My name's Kevin, or 0hNo7ate9. And that sound is gonna get very annoying. You know why it's making that sound? It's because it's auto-focusing on me. Every time I...