>> When we start our market analysis, what we need to first define is the market segment that we are targeting. And be very clear on the fact that it's very difficult to address...
Hello and welcome to today's Q&A session. I'm Rachel, Marketing Specialist, on the AdSense team and I'm Cemal, Google Analytics Specialist on the AdSense team. Over the...
I'm here in Istanbul where I've been spending the day with one of the largest banks in the region, looking at all kinds of customer related issues and one of the key ways in which we...
(Music) Today we'll be talking about the delivery of recovery services to diverse cultures. I think everyone on the panel would agree that communicating properly and effectively and culturally...
After the Syrian Revolution entered its third year, its demographic structure has changed according to a statistical study done by the Syrian Network for Human Rights The population growth rate has...
Hi Everyone, This is Derek Martin with Guns Blazing Marketing. I'm here to show you how to connect your YouTube Account to your Google Adwords account. Connecting your YouTube account to...
Nick: I hope everybody is having a great day. I am your host, Nick Jaworski, and today Iíll be talking with James Martell, founder of The School of Internet Marketing and VP of Product Development...
Retinal screening is now done with digital photography, and all the images are stored electronically on a specific database, which has been purely designed just for diabetic eye-screening. The...
And so you can focus your key strengths on the one hand, which probably are not going to change in a week. And you can place them on top of a key opportunity, which will be there for a long time. So,...
Demographics, a powerful driver. You could argue the biggest drive in medicine today. 1 billion children alive today, all of whom will be adults within the next 18 years. All of them in the market for...