Retinal screening is now done with digital photography, and all the images are stored electronically on a specific database, which has been purely designed just for diabetic eye-screening. The...
Then the clinical examination continues with the assessment of the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is a group of four tendons which mobilise the glenohumeral joint around. It is subscapularis, and if...
There are a number of treatments and a number of manoeuvres to treat benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. However, the Epley manoeuvre is the most well established and it is the test that has proven...
By the way, did you know that CETL offers 30 to 40 workshops every semester. They are free. An example of such a workshop is Desire2Learn orientation. So you might want to check it out. Did you know...



Why do I have vertigo when I wake up? It’s as if I had nightmares of falling and wake up to feel dizzier awake than I did when asleep. Which frightens you more? The nightmare of falling or the...
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is an amazing condition. The reason why is when you see a patient with vertigo you can perform a manoeuvre which will make the diagnosis. Then you can perform...
This is a metered-dose inhaler, or an MDI inhaler, and it’s probably the commonest inhaler around. We’ll just go through how to use it properly. Yes. I’ll take it out. It’ll come with a cap on....
Net Brand Otoscope/Auroscope Set, Heins type. Visit to an ENT specialist, even for regular check-up, makes us familiar with this device. Otoscope is used to examine the complaints regarding entire...



Hi, I'm Doctor Robert Moore at Awesome Chiropractic. I want to speak with you today about vertigo as a result of whiplash or head trauma. What happens in a car accident, the head gets thrown...



Hi, I'm Doctor Robert Moore from Awesome Chiropractic, and today we're going to talk with you about vertigo. Vertigo is a problem a lot of people have with: dizziness, the room is...