we shouldn't kill other sentient beings if we don't need to. and we shouldn't cause suffering if we don't need to non-human animals have desires feelings and the right...
♪♪Music♪♪ This lecture is entitled change is a comin maybe. And what I want to talk with you about during this lecture is the amendment process to the Constitution. So there are 27 amendments to our...
People ask me all the time, "Why do Jews have so much power?" It's because the monopoly power to "coin money" was given to Jewish bankers by the Federal...
david clouds is without you know i a regularly on this program lance about how the original sin in our constitutionally limited representative democratic republic that has become a constitutional...
Hi, I’m Mitch Pickerill, and I’ll be teaching Political Science 410, Constitutional Law I, in the spring of 2013. Constitutional Law I looks at a variety of basic issues in the Constitution and...
Hi, I’m Professor Brendon Swedlow. In spring, I’m teaching POLS 412, otherwise known as ConLaw III. This is a Constitutional law course. In this course, we study the fourth amendment and the first...
JESSICA DESVARIEUX: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Jessica Desvarieux in Baltimore. New details are emerging that shed light on the massive hunger strike that took place last year in...
Constitutional Convention, a la Shmoop: is the “group discount” still available? After winning the Revolutionary War, early Americans feared that the US could turn into a monarchy. That is, a country...
>>The big news this week was that prop 8 was repealed in California, and I see on your pamphlet that one of the bullet points is that one of the bullet points is defending constitutional...