There's been much written over the last couple of years about chaotic situations and banks dealing with foreclosures and the records are a mess and they don't know what they're...
I have a few tips I like to share with my home buyers. Whenever we have a new transaction with a customer we share what we call the do's and don'ts and the "Do"s are...
Hey Everyone it's Darren Copeland your local Mortgage Expert. In our continued series of Mortgage 101 we're going to talk about the Documents we'll need in order to get you...
Michael: The lenders, it is the loss mitigation departments that you are dealing directly with the two of you are doing the negotiations on behalf of the homeowner. Michael: Good, and then do you...
The California Employment Development Department recently implemented a new electronic claim filing system for State Disability Insurance or SDI making it faster and easier for you, the employer, to...
one of the most common mistakes that we see for Social Security disability appeals is that an individual does not appeal the determinations on time what happens is that when they get that initial...
It's the middle of the afternoon. You're driving home from work; you stop at a traffic light. The next thing you know - BOOM! You get struck from behind. In a moment's notice...
Expand your organizing options. Smead expanding files with multiple pockets are ideal for organizing, storing, and transporting large amounts of paperwork. Great for organizing any project, expanding...
Hello. My name's Melissa Schenk and on behalf of Expert Village today we're going to talk about how to organize your business documents. In this clip let's talk now about how...
Smead's extra capacity hanging folders are ideal for neatly filing large amounts of paperwork. The reinforced box bottom allows for storage of bulky documents, reference manuals, books, and...