they've been kind enough to let me make just a few remarks tonight and i would like to point out something uh... about this recent to buckle but we just had and i think the fundamental issue...
the recall wrote an article today about how uh... i had with britain to treat saying that uh... you know churches larger audience of rush limbaugh mostly cable news shows that's only because...
we have now our our next guest less we will be speaking shortly with brenda walker obd and she's with which is a calm assumptive there dot com i'm guessing this is going to sell it for...
now George Will presses himself a bit of a prognosticator um I often play one on TV and online as well now george will's been doing this for decades well he's got a prediction about...
Announcer: The David Pakman Show at David: To all of our iPhone and Android users, make sure you have the Stitcher Smart Radio app on your phone. Use promo code...
so Alex Sink is the miserable candidate who lost again in Florida she lost a rick Scott person that seem like you could move to goes his company rate did the large Medicare fraud in American history...
I would like to pose a question myself And I think its bothered alot of us for a long time and I'd like to ask you Senator Vitter, what you personally know about this... and what you...
so the debate slash discussion between Don Lemon and Ben Ferguson went on for ever and of course Ben Ferguson was throwing out a ridiculous amount to miss misinformation but look it LZ Granderson come...
and charged now while we moved from uh... healthcare division of the deficits we welcome back every sport what he is a who worked under the reagan administration wrote reaganomics supply-side...
John Derbyshire used to work for national review theoretically respected conservative magazine now he wrote something back in 2012 that seem obviously racist we talked about on the show I he kinda...