>>Deepak Chopra: As far as the future is concerned, I think we're going to see technologies that will improve neuroplasticity through various instruments including all these...
[music] Do you believe in the supernatural? In order to answer this question we have to first understand what is the natural. How do we experience anything subjective at all? Even though we know we...
TheActuationZone.com, brought to you by ChangeLeadershipGroup.com. Brett Clay: This is Brett Clay and I'm here with Dr. Deepak Chopra, and his latest book Soul of Leadership. Dr. Chopra, thank...
[Deepak Chopra]I am Deepak Chopra, you are watching "One World" with Deepak Chopra, and the programme is being brought to you from NASDAQ OMX market place in New York city. My very...
[DC] I'm Deepak Chopra. You're watching One World with Deepak Chopra brought to you from Deepak Home Base in New York City, and my very special guest today is Michael Lazerow....
[music] [music] What makes us human? The great Sufi poet Rumi suggested that consciousness sleeps in minerals, dreams in vegetables, wakes up in animals, and starts to become self aware in humans....
I'd like to talk about our educational system. Now, how many of you know the size of the United States educational system? The K-12 market. It is roughly the size of the U.S. pharmaceutical...
The question was whether or not the FDA's regulatory policies are shifting innovation overseas and it's a very thought question and I appreciate it. The FDA has released a set of...
I'm Deepak Chopra and you're watching "One World with Deepak Chopra" I'm Deepak Chopra and you're watching "One World with Deepak...
My Davos moment is as follows. While at Davos I wanted to learn more about offshore wind, because we at Bharat Light and Power are exploring how to develop offshore wind in India. At one of the...