SARAH HAUER: Hi. I'm Sarah Hauer. SIG HAUER: And I'm Sig Hauer, and we're professional practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine. SARAH HAUER: We're here on behalf...
Hello! My name is Denise Robinson and on behalf of I am here to talk about accessorizing with jewelry. Let’s recap what we talked about. Use gold and slivers to accessorize. Don’t...
The next herb we're going to talk about is Ginger. In Chinese, we refer to it as Sheng Jiang. That's the fresh ginger. We actually have slightly different properties with the different...
Bai Zhu or white atractylodes as it is often times known is a very effective cheap tonic that we use for people who have weakened immune systems or a weak digestive system. This particular herb is...
Let's talk about ear acupuncture. This is a ear models. That reflects the upside down image of the human body. In this bottom part, it represents or reflects the head and the face. Inside, it...



So now we ground the energy, we relax the body with the ear points. And now we need to insert needles on the hand, which helped prevent headache. Because too many needles on the face can dilate a...
Now I'm going to demonstrate how to use ear point to help quit smoking and drinking alcohol. First we're talking about the smoking. The smoking is associated with lung, trickier,...
We talked about the pattern of iron deficiency with the heat symptoms. If the dryness symptom associated with the indeficiency is more severe than comparing the heat symptoms, then we can add another...
One of the things I like to talk to my patients about is combining herbs, medicinal herbs, into the food. And so, we can actually make one of my favorite recipes, called eight treasures soup, or eight...
SARAH HAUER: Hi, I'm Sarah Hauer. SIG HAUER: And I'm Sig Hauer and we're professional practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine. SARAH HAUER: We're here on behalf...