You're familiar with the... medical marijuana I want to know, is it I know it has healing properties, I want to know I'm for it, but I know a lot of people that says it's...
View of a Mosque by TravelPod member shareddi Amsterdam: Worth a Visit by TravelPod member shareddi Amsterdam: Worth a Visit by TravelPod member shareddi Centrum: Central by TravelPod member shareddi...
last week we had a member videos they had to do with those on the attacks the influence of drugs and things like that their future common room well we uh... we also found out later on day was only...
And from our Wellington studio, our guest Shane Jones making his return for this year to discuss current political issues we cross over live to Labour MP Shane Jones. Labour's new...



No other drug has been so infused in American culture as Marijuana. Perhaps because—like alcohol—it's experienced extreme ends of social acceptance and rejection. Early on, marijuana use was...
Death by marijuana? The first report is now on the books -- but to be honest, it all seems a liiiiittle suspicious....... [MUSIC] Hey everyone, Laci Green here for Dnews. The first reports of a death...
Here I have Hydrogen Peroxide H2O2 this is a three percent solution this is the stuff you find down there at the drugstore find this stuff anywhere you use it for a million different reasons you can...
ACLU American Civil Liberties Union Presents JC: I think medical marijuana helped me become a better person; overall, a better individual. It changed my life. Slide says: A medical Marijuana...
Hello, I'm Norman Swan. Welcome to this program - Mulling It Over: Cannabis Intervention In Primary Health Care. Cannabis is the least disapproved of, easiest to obtain and most widely used...
Woah, so we're gonna talk about marijuana today and it's gonna be pretty dope..Anyways, here's bet you didn't know Marijuana edition! Did you know that pigs in Bhutan...