Lisa Schneider-Cipriano:  I want to know why I feel sexual and yet cannot have sex.  I am fixing to go through my reconstruction surgery and my husband of 32 years has been me beside of every step of...
>>>Dr. Margileth: Like all treatments for cancer, one has to analyze the benefits of the treatment and the risks and toxicity of the treatment. In the case of the aromatase...
This caregiver tip is called The Nurses Are Really The Ones In Charge. You know what, it is the doctor you may be dealing with, but it is the nurses that run the floors. It is the nurses that run the...
The DoD Breast Cancer Research Program Era of Hope The DoD Breast Cancer Research Program is the second biggest funder of breast cancer research in this country and probably the world. Music Lyrics:...
[Music] When I was first diagnosed with cancer, the first thing that I felt was utter shock. I couldn't believe it. I thought, oh, they had the wrong patient. They had the wrong chart, you...
Lisa Schneider-Cipriano: The latest about breast cancer news and the correlation of what we eat may be, well it could either enhance the risk of getting breast cancer or help to keep it at bay. Do you...
Hi, everyone. My name is Meghan. I would like to start off by thanking USF Counseling for starting the Stronger Than I Knew Project. I think it's great that we all have a platform to share our...
I've been diagnosed with cancer! Why has this happened to me? You get the diagnosis of a cancer and your mind goes blank and you're thinking "What's going on in there?...
hello i'm george colberg executive chairman and co-founder of kalos therapeutics i'd like to introduce you to our story today let's start with our team you'll see we...
"Exercise Stress and Watercress" If oxidizing glucose to produce energy for our bodies is so messy, creating free radicals the way cars burning their fuel produce combustion...