Lisa Schneider-Cipriano: Is stage IV breast cancer, a death sentence and do ladies with stage IV live very long? Dr. Jay K. Harness: Well that's a good question and we have actually discussed...
The first breast cancer I had, I had two emotions – fear and anger, and I vacillated between the two. It was very important to me to keep my life as normal as possible. I worked through treatment and...
That's not a good sound. ~Laughing~ My wife heard that, last Friday morning, January 2nd... er February 2nd. Six... six firemen the size of Steve Dankers carried me out of my little bedroom...
Hi, my name is Elyn Jacobs and I am going to share with you my breast cancer diagnosis story. Okay, so my diagnosis story. In December of 2006, I had what I expected to be a routine mammogram and I...
To me, a survivor is a patient who's gone through the acute treatment for breast cancer -- acute being defined as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Number one most important message...
if you're interested in learning about research in psychology and brain science then you are at the right channel i've got lots of videos on how to apply psychology to design how to...
Sleepwalking is common in childhood and can cause behaviours like sitting up, walking around and even doing other activities during sleep. Dr. Brian Murray, a sleep specialist at Sunnybrook says, if...
Duke is one of the largest providers of cancer care in the country. What's so important about this is that we have experience and expertise in every cancer type. What does it mean to be...