Austin Radiological Association provides many women's services including mammography, bone densitometry, breast ultrasound, breast MRI and breast biopsy. The following recounts the emotional...
[ Background Music ] >> Prostate cancer, a matter of facts on ABC 27 is brought to you by Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. >> Welcome back. We have time for one...



-- START -- COMM: He looks like any 11-year-old boy, but seven years ago Connah Broom was just given seven months to live, after doctors discovered he had 11 cancerous tumours in his body....
>>> MARIA LOPEZ-CARALE: So, when women come to see me for physical therapy breast cancer referral, they are often times frightened and they can’t see the end of their journey....



[ Music ] >> My name is Michael Reed. I'm an Associate Professor of Surgery at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. I'm a thoracic surgeon, which means I operate...
I was an entrepreneur making millions of dollars a year. There wasn’t anything I wanted for or couldn’t have. I was about ‘let’s see how big I can build a house’ or I was competing with the Joneses...
>> Tonight - It started with a sore throat that persisted for weeks. I knew it was something abnormal growing in there - >> An ABC 27 special presentation - I was told that...



PATSY Patsy: It says here “It doesn’t matter where you go in life, what you do, or how much you have. It’s who you have beside you.” That was given to me by a very dear friend, Lorraine. I think it...
My name is Bridgette Owens and I shaved my head for breast cancer awareness. I did this because a family friend was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier on in the year. I had a night where 150 people...
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