Two billion dollars, one trillion TV ads and three debates later...has anything changed? This is Buzz60 Politics, I'm Jay DeDapper. Now that we’re in the home stretch of the Presidential...
State-by-state roundup of presidential election voting results Tennessee voters have chosen Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney over President Barack Obama. The former Massachusetts...
I don't really know who I am. I don't know what I believe. I served as Governor for four years. Like a mini-skirt, it was short and revealing. Yeah, I was liberal. But, I was...
welcome to the show and today we have barack obama and mitt romney hello,hi who will be the president of the united states of america you should vote for me because i am a billionaire and i want to...
mit romney is blaming hurricane standing for losing the election it was only a matter of time until it happened ladies and john he's taking viewer or responsibility for being with a defeated...
there's has called that ronnie tonight this is this is what he thinks is going to be his biggest challenge is this is club number one show you know uh... did never army really thinks this is a...
president while most of it about social security in the past and uh... and agreeing with republicans after he gets reelected if he does and he says don't worry quote i'd leave it at...
laughing here weapons and outsourcing on weapons mitt romney was asked about weapons he talked about two-parent households he said listen question about weapons yeah we need to parent households...
epic rap battles of history! mitt romney! vs barack obama! begin. im not gonna let this battle be dictated by facts, I'm rich, I got fat stacks and Super PACs We all know what went down in...
welcome to twenty twelve on michael sure uh... it is in fact the sort of the heat of the iowa battle were indeed within three weeks of the iowa caucuses and its psa getting even more exciting as a...