Let's speak to if you could Governor, the idea of self deportation Now, let- let me go back Thank you, and I appreciate that question. I- I- I just want to make sure that I think I was...
4 years ago, we got inspired Now we got our backs against the wall Asking ourselves: Where do I turn? What happens next? Spare some change? No hope. Got kicked out by mama I got an Honors degree in...
BY NICHOLE CARTMELL ANCHOR MEGAN MURPHY At Tuesday’s night presidential debate both candidates seemed more lively, with heated discussions over oil, taxes and Libya. What’s getting the most talk?...
We are finally here at the last presidential debate of Election 2012 season and this debate will focus on nothing but foreign policy. At least that's what is supposed to happen, but given...
This fall, I'm supporting Richard Mourdock for senate Even when life begins in the horrible situation of rape, that it is, something that God intended to happen. This is a man who I want to...
I fully support the effort to extend the low interest rate on student loans. There was some concern that that would expire halfway through the year and I support extending the temporary relief on...
Once again, thanks to a ridiculously biased debate moderator, President Obama doesn't have to face scrutiny for the absolute lies he has told the American people about Libya and the terrorist...
the real problem uh... with uh... this debate is now the mit romney agreed with para bravo bottom of the bronco bob might agree with the republicans a long time ago in fact that's why you get...
the david tackling shipment is that in fact come debate number three last night foreign policy moderated by bob schieffer incredible debate ladies and gentlemen president obama in debate made...
mit romney wants to get rid of planned parenthood altogether you know i've had this view of mit romney will be played elec deport water board i said if i had to choose sent armed gingrich in...