Hey Youtube World. It's me, Evelyn. You have made it to the second part of this video. I will be giving a few tips, nawwwmsayin, a little bit of my insights into international travel and how...
Hey Youtube World! It's me, Evelyn. And I am coming to you fresh off a REM cycle, so bear with me. I really wanted to get this review out before the new year, because I feel like it could help...
Hey Youtube World. It's me, Evelyn. Look at my brown hands! Anyway, I am finally here with my DIY Ankara bow tutorial. I made that one and y'all was like "ooooh! tell me how...
. [woman singing in foreign language] ♪ ♪ - THIS SEASON ON SHAHS OF SUNSET... - [cheering] [screams] [people cheering] - WHERE IS MO-CEDES? - PROBABLY GETTING IN MO' PROBLEMS. - I...
Andrei! Hi man, how are you, guess what i got today... A beating from your mother because she went to school? Funny... not! I got something good from my cousin if you get my drift. Good, can i come...
Subtitle: www.pchq.fr Joe! You've been in there for 55 minutes! Masturbation is fun, I get it. It's not very green to do with the shower running. Do you remember when dad quits because...
- Six years ago we started the brewery, - and since the beginning my aim... - ... the idea that was buzzing around my head - was to give an italian undertone to the product, as much as I could. - In...



And so that's why round fish bowls are illegal in Italy. Oh, you know, it's so nice having you over for dinner, Jane. You always bring such delightful conversation. What, we...