Hi. It's April with Hair 101. Today I'm going to show you how to do a Sock Bun. you're going to need a sock preferably one that matches the hair If it doesn't match the hair, you're just going to have...
Now that we have completed the braids on this head, we want to treat the scalp. Take some sort of light oil, like grape seed or Jojoba. I have grape seed right here. And what you are going to want to...
hola que tal muy buenos a todos ven venir canonical posible equivocó un tutorial sencillo para explicarnos cómo mapear o cómo ponerlos lins a ambos torneos lo primero que tienes que hacer es ir e...
In this session we edit the liturgy sheet for the second Sunday of Lent 2009. We created this in the session: “How to Create a Liturgy Sheet or Booklet” In the Calendar, highlight 8 March 2009 Second...
Welcome to the Student Academic Learning Services video on adding and subtracting fractions. This video picks up right where the Introduction to Fractions video ends, so if you have not watched the...
Hi, Rose Henry here from GirlGetsRingSystem.info If you want him to commit, but he says he is not ready yet, or gives other type of excuses, then you’re in the right place. There are loads of books,...
NARRATOR: Many students use Co:Writer for their everyday work, and need to use it during assessments as well. While each district and state has its own rules, many allow Co:Writer to be used as a test...
FactorDazzle is a Calculation Nation game that can be found at calculationnation.nctm.org The goal of the game is to get the most points. The way to get points is by selecting number tiles on the...
nypulley999 here, saying "Welcome to the new Youtube homepage." There have been an overwhelming nuber of complaints regarding the new layout, specifically the fact that an uploads...
If you are a first time OpenSpace user it is recommended that you change your password You should change your password on a regular basis This will ensure your login details and access to the site...