1 by TravelPod member garth_travel 10 by TravelPod member garth_travel 11 by TravelPod member garth_travel 12 by TravelPod member garth_travel 13 by TravelPod member garth_travel 16 by TravelPod...



Shows. Yesterday the Trani Film Festival kicked off, opening with a moving dedication Vito Marinelli [correspondent] Rosangela Zaccaria loved cinema very much. In her youth, she left Trani and moved...



I've travelled in France, Spain I've whirled about Germany Saxony, and in Turkey, but... but I swear on my honour I'm so hungry I could die. I've fought at Varadino,...



Italy writes law to protect animals on highways. Under a new code recently passed by the nation’s Senate, motorists have an obligation to help injured animals on a roadway, with fines imposed for...



[Mr. BYRD.] Madam President, this is the sixth in my series of speeches on the line-item veto. Last week, we followed Hannibal during his terrible journey over the Alps and his invasion of Italy in...
My name is Roberto, my spiritual name is Rup Chand, I was in India the first time many years ago... and I had the opportunity to know and meet Babaji, this spiritual teacher who has demonstrated on...
In the southern Italian rural areas, tomatoes, strawberries and oranges are picked by hands from around the world. Agricultural liberalization met migration in these fields, allowing agribusiness to...
Roberto Lacarbonara: This art exhibition is called "Si ignorano i motivi del gesto", the title is important... decisive in regard to the method of the exhibition... as is also the...
The Champion of the Year 2013... …is Christina Obergföll, Congratulations! She did it. Christina Obergföll is Champion of the Year 2013. A special title in a special year for the world champion in...