Hi! I’m Cynthia Dulude. PRO Make-up Artist and beauty blogger Today, I will show you how to create a feline/leopard Halloween look, suitable for you or your little ones To create this look, I will be...
Waverly 676980 Garden Glitz Spring 54″ Fabric is a floral fabric from the Lush Season Collection. These delicate flowers are screen printed on a crisp 100% cotton chintz. With hundreds of style...
Hi! I’m Cynthia Dulude. PRO Make-up Artist and beauty blogger Today, I will show you how to create a feline/leopard Halloween look, suitable for you or your little ones To create this look, I will be...
P/Kaufmann Ocean Tropic 54″ Fabric is a sea inspired print from the La Vie Marine Collection. This coral and foliage design is screen printed on a 100% cotton fabric and features a soil and stain...
This is Phifertex Plus Mesh Metallica Salsa #3018436. Phifertex Plus is a tightly woven mesh fabric with a 100% vinyl-coating on a woven polyester mesh. This designer mesh fabric is used extensively...
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This is Glen Raven’s Sunbrella Royal Blue Tweed Marine Grade Fabric 4617-0000 from Sailrite. Sunbrella Marine and Awning grade fabric is the standard cover cloth for the boating and awning industry....
This is Phifertex Geobella Pendleton Sage Fabric #3027679 GeoBella fabric is an earth-friendly outdoor fabric that is made of 100% yarns and recycled post-industrial waste. These soft yarns give...
We're here in Las Vegas at The Expo with Jerry Mrozek of Visual Textile and BigPromotions.net - How Are You? Great doing great. Tell us a little bit about what you guys do. In a nutshell, we...
This tutorial covers some features of our new CSM WorldCat database at the College of San Mateo library that are particularly useful for our off-campus and distance students. CSM WorldCat allows you...