PAUL JAY: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Paul Jay in Baltimore. In Venezuela, protests, new protests, are planned on Saturday. The situation continues to be tense there. Across the...
1st man: I ask you to be silent. I beg you. Berkut: Today, staying on the stage I would like to apologize for that people... I do not know who did that... [he means, he do not know who killed...
On the 30th, at the palace, the revolution will take over! The word 'tamarod' (rebel) united the whole of the Egyptian people The word 'tamarod' that came from us, the...
you would think that Americans are so sexually active and sexually satisfied with all the sex you see in mass media and all the salacious content but data indicates that no American are really that...
uh... mississippi's personal uh... personhood amendment has been defeated fortunately this is the one that would have stipulated life begins at conception that would have banned a lot of forms...



Spring in Ancient Olympia by TravelPod member laurieandsophie The Lion Gate, Mycenae by TravelPod member laurieandsophie Santorini by TravelPod member laurieandsophie Riot police in Athens by...



just recently members oppose the right were detained by authorities want to question them about a bath that happened however after four hours are being detained at they were let go without so we know...