Is it bad to bite the skin around your nails? It is the only form of cannibalism still tolerated by our society, though your manicurist probably hates you. It’s a nervous habit. But you could be...
Good morning. You know Friday morning is a fun time for me. I get together with a couple of my really good girlfriends and we have our mastermind group meeting. The reason that we decided to do this...
Victoria's Secret is a brand that I think everyone wants to work for. The thing about Victoria's Secret that is so exceptional is that they have developed the brand of what they sell...
My name is Mike Myers. I am the owner of Legion Marketing; my expertise is in nightlife. I believe that I know the best and brightest of everything that's in Las Vegas. I can help you skip the...
Under eye circles, acne scarring, acne, wrinkles - Kiki what can we do? Is there one miracle product that can take care of all of these things? Something natural, cold pressed, 100 % pure, super...
How to Make Homemade Ice Cream in a Plastic Bag. No ice cream? No problem! You probably have the ingredients at home to whip some up. You will need Two resealable plastic bags one gal.-sized and one...