10 day photo challenge

>>[Professor Johnson] I was quite surprised when we saw an apparent reduction in the median frequency of people having sex in the last month, which we can't really explain. We...
Greetings from Harrisburg. I'm Andy Hoover, legislative director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania. It is a sad day, it's a shameful day here in our commonwealth...
Well a group went away early which we missed it today. And that stayed away most of the day. We were really about conserving our guys to get this hill at the finish cause we thought we'd hoped...
Internet Lifestyle Network hair what's going on nationalism is seen here just hanging out in my home office welcome to this video it'd be a number 78 and my 100 a video challenge and...
Ever wish you knew what color was on a website or photo? Here's an easy tool to figure that out! It's also very handy if you are wanting graphics made to match the exact color you are...
I some how some hair with another video and Mycenae did a video talent i wanna talk to you today about who is your customer avatar now this question was raised the other day by a friend and colleague...
Does anyone know the trick to wearing glasses with a mask? We tried buying a mask designed for glasses but... it didn't work... By which I mean.... HEY GUYS! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope you have a...
When this footage was shot, 20 years ago, showing children working in India, in Colombia, in Egypt, and in Russia, jeopardizing their health, their growth, and their education, the countries of the...