repair and got three texas stories that i have a about trifecta akhil titillating trifecta of texas with the with the keyword for store texas pales middling trifecta of texas hills the first of which...
rick perry has gotten a metal of that uh... frank wants a strengths and all the republicans which is that uh... try to protect the rich in the bankers on wall street is very bad politics we've...
bjbjLULU JUDY WOODRUFF: The man trailing the Republican presidential field called it quits today, as a key weekend contest loomed. Instead, Rick Perry threw his support to Newt Gingrich, even as...
let straw you freedom lovers libertarian style out there i know you don't consider a rick perry to be pure libertarian but uh... but one thing he does share will gerry chances with guns and as...
rick perry as you know has been republican governor of texas for quite some time he announced that he is not going to be running for reelection let's take a look at the video of him now remain...
rick perry uh... he's going to be asset is record on a death penalty in texas that texas police state in executing inmates uh... and it appears to us that he couldn't kinda lightly...
the rick perry he's up for a jog and he sees a coyote in a sprain ac uh... he says that he's got his labrador or or his daughter's labrador labrador retriever and that the...
s the republican party cell off the rails you'll understand that there is no policy agenda of the electoral base of the republican party there is simply a series of tribal constructs about...
the fertilizer explosion in texas has now started kind of a set of secondary controversy and the sacramento bee on thursday published ajak omen editorial cartoon called business in texas and it shows...
look at how far to sets up this question was what since the islamists dairy and imparted to the over in tokyo the murder rate of women has increased fourteen hundred percent there press freedom has...