I was sceptical when a colleague told me about all the high-tech features of his new Insignia. Steering-wheels-controls, big touch screen, touchpad. I use voice control to enter addresses into the...
12-14 October 2011. User Testimonial - Map Maker. My name is Nemanja Bračko, I'm from Stara Pazova, Serbia. I'm mapping for Google because I am a Regional Entrusted Reviewer for...
Ne mogu naći čistu čašu - Mehmet - Ovdje nema čiste čaše - Ja cu donijeti Zapamti, izgradit cemo kucicu na drvetu Ja cu nacrtati kakvu želim Dobro, samo daj - Zdravo Asi - Zdravo Inci - Jesi li...



... Rešiti ako je apsolutna vrednost od 3x minus 9 jednako 0, i nacrtati rešenje na brojnoj pravi. Hajde da ovo samo prepišem. Imamo: apsolutna vrednost od 3x minus 9 jednako je 0. Dakle, ako je...
Every cell in the human body needs energy to survive and do its different functions. If we're talking about a brain cell, it needs energy to keep stimulating other brain cells and sending on...
Hello my friends and welcome to another Tuesday of tutorial! I am Leonardo Pereznieto and I´m so glad to see you again. Today we will draw a female figure as if she were on a rolled paper. We start...