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Lucas: hello and welcome to mrzxdk1 Lucas: today we have some Anders: wasabi Lucas: Wasabi Anders: we dont even know if its to old Lucas: its is from 10.12.2012 Lucas: but fuck that! Lucas: are u...
Hey whats up ? It's the annonto123 making a video of how to get the real phone app the one that belongs with the iPhone It looks like this. The exact same one is gonna be on the iPod Touch and...
Well now that we have a table on our slide let’s talk a little bit about how we can customize that table The first thing I want to do is learn how to adjust my row and column width Now, if I click...
“The Experimental Stream facility was put into operation in 1987 by Proctor and Gamble for risk assessment research on stream ecosystems. Today, the National Risk Management Research Laboratory of...
5links air way up here coming to you from a home office here in the house s area any house the other day because you're looking for information on five points so welcome you get the right...
MATT WARD: So I guess we can get started. My name's Matt Ward, and this is my friend, Steven Robertson. And today we're going to tell you a little bit about how we're changing...
[music playing] Janette Sadik-Kahn: Well, on Earth Day 2007, Mayor Bloomberg announced PlaNYC, which is the city's long-range plan and sustainability initiative for New York. The idea was,...