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Today I'm at the home of Shannon Schermerhorn. Her blog is naturallyurban.blogspot.com. Twice a month on Saturday they have open farm day. She's got her own farm here in her back yard...
Hi, I'm Harsha Devulapalli and I work with Hyderabad Urban Lab. We're a multidisciplinary hub for students, activists and researchers. My professional and unprofessional interests...



FURQUAN: Neighborhoods are ovens with windows and as the knob on global warming increases, lives are preheated until the soul soufflés. Pancake stacked projects are poured over with humidity thick as...



this is a Gamma Setup Chart that all labs print when they startup the (printing) machine or reset it This is Zone 1 Zone 2 zone 3 four five six seven eight nine Simply said, they are different shades...



Hello Class! Welcome to your lecture for Week 2 of COM 110, Introduction to Human Communication. Today we'll talk about the changing world, especially in regard to technology that affects...



The topic I'd like to look into is whether Chickens could fly or not This seems like a silly question But I hope you guys could understand mow as i go on The hypothesis is a big YES To be more...
Hi. My name is Ellie Jordan and I am a sophomore in the Honors Program at JMU. As an Honors student, there are a few things you need to know as you prepare to enroll in classes for your first...
Thirty three degrees north,Is were I'll find my sanity,Brandy from a bottle,got my head stuck down the lavatry,oh what a waste,tablet from the doctor,floating around in a zombie haze,said it...
What these students are doing is that they are carrying out some very low level chemical analysis of drugs on currency. Currency as it moves around in society gets contaminated with everything that...