hello guys it's Brian Pardall here and video Genesis is long life it is a course teaching you how to build beautiful and professional looking videos this is all well and good what I want to...
We start today's review with a confession...even though I love many Zelda games, The GameCube's Wind Waker...is not among them. Or anywhere close, even. While there were some parts of...
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artmanga & struck back again you to bring in the New Year this one's gonna be doing my weekly video review for this week's episode of The Walking Dead Season 4 this well be...
If you were to look up a list of the greatest fighting game of all time, undoubtedly you will find some entries from Soulcalibur. The original for the Dreamcast will always be remembered as one of the...
>>If it drives like a Wagon-R, feels like a Wagon-R then it must be a Wagon-R. Or perhaps a Wagon-R with a heavy dose of make up. Presenting this cosmetically enhanced Maruti Wagon-R...
Hello everyone and welcome to this new video presentation colt 45, colt 1911 BRUNI brand. So for once, I won’t talk about airsoft, but a weapon in 9mm PAK. I make this little video before selling the...
Hello everyone and welcome in this new video review. Today I will present a very famous airsoft gun... - TT33? Made by an almost unknown brand... - L¸ger P08? I will introduce you the Colt 1911 A1...
The Sony Xperia Z2 is the third iteration in the the Xperia Z line of handsets from Sony. So with two handsets already under their belt, the Z2 should be a well rounded & strong performer. The...
I always thought the Code of Princess was up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, another castle. According to Atlus, I’m wrong. So let me try to get this straight. It’s like an RPG, because...