Hello, this is Scott and this is the Hyper Report. This video is sponsored by Sound Money Campaign Here are quotes for for various items; such as gold and silver, for today. First... Euro Zone...



{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1138\cocoasubrtf470 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 ArialMT;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red26\green26\blue26;\red0\green0\blue239;}...
Hello guys and welcome to my new series called Little Big part of Counter Strike GO.This is episode 1 the Ladders. Some of you probably know this by now but there is a faster way of climbing ladders...
My friend is doing the talking, My mic wasn't picked up during this game play. Shots fired! Sounds like they're coming from behind us. Do you know where they are? The forest we... The...



Hello, my name's Amanda Miller. I'm a lecturer with the ELSSA Centre, UTS. In the following scene, I play a hospital patient who's waiting to have a gall bladder operation. My...



Hi, I am Tasku. We are at NE airfield, in Finnish server. Miksa: Hey, I see movement! Two of em.. (Bang!) Miksa: They went inside the house already... Tasku: As you can see, we got some action going...



Oh shit there is a guy in the house right in front of you On.. on the other side "Ok" We should maybe go inside the house? He may have heard you Shoot on sight, I don't think...
Hello, we are here at the MILITALIA Fair at Novegro (Milan) We are represensting the TFB and the "British Style Fan Club" For the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Falklands...
Sup, guys, and welcome back to The Real Guns of Battlefield 4. Today's weapon is the A-U-G A-3. The AUG A3 is a bullpup Austrian assault rifle in Battlefield 4. It is gas operated and utilizes...
everybody because it's here wanna see some real quick for mine Anthony Aires great YouTube guy entry her home he has a product coming out that is called URL shotgun and the game you need them...