Typography & lettering

Hey everybody, Mike Linville here from Black Dog Education and thank you for coming by Office Hours today. Now today's question was submitted via twitter and the question, I'm gonna...
JFIF $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz /ClO /ClO g8QE g8QE g8QE tiuK=Bx 19e2 [kX5 q]jW zcn+ ^TL+ Y}:w I5?X...
(Drury Brennan) It's kind of like stream of consciousness poetry, and then it's also like a journal. I roll out a blank piece of paper; I create my lines, I ask myself what phrase can...
The following lesson incorporates skills acquired from the first part of Illustrator's online video series and adds new techniques to enhance type. First we'll start by creating a...



( music ) ( background conversation ) (Meagan – Student:) In high school, I was in our yearbook class ... I really liked it. I'm learning how to use all these programs ... to create, like,...
My name is Jason Wayne Thomason, and I am a Graphic Designer. I personally came into the Graphic Design business through drawing, illustration. I started off with comic books, and then I got into the...
Hi. My name is Allie Gray Freeland, and I am the host of Rasmussen College's newest video blog series, What Should I Do With My Life. So in this series, we'll speak with expert...



Learning to combine text and shapes in creative imaging can help users communicate their designs more effectively. To begin, let’s create a new document. Go to the File menu then select New. After...
Hey this is Ray Dombroski. In this video I'll show you 3 ways to add texture and distress to your graphics. First in Adobe Illustrator, and then in Adobe Photoshop. So I'll start with...