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Hello there! Let's see how to go pro with Corel PaintShop X6 quickly! Leave feedbacks in case you find mistakes in pronunciation. In case you have missed something in this video, watch the...



Getting to know the People Recognition feature. PaintShop Pro can help you automatically find, group and name people in multiple photos. You can tag people manually, so you can tag other parts of a...
Getting to know the Manage and Adjust workspaces PaintShop(R) Pro has three workspaces: Manage, to organize your photo library; Adjust, for quick corrections; and Edit, for the full set of editing...
PaintShop Pro helps you express your creativity Create digital art with easy yet powerful tools and techniques Use the Edit workspace to combine photo and other elements to create unique designs Add a...
JFIF $3br %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz /ClO /ClO g8QE g8QE g8QE tiuK=Bx 19e2 [kX5 q]jW zcn+ ^TL+ Y}:w I5?X...
We are now on page 28 of your working file ArtisticText. Now, you will hear me refer to two different types of text throughout the training, one is Artistic Text and the other is Paragraph Text. The...
The lesson was created by Alexei Oglushevich, winner of CorelDRAW International Design Contest, specially for Corel Russia. Good day to all! To-day, I'm going to try to explain to you how I...



We're now on Page 25, the subject of the Spiral tool, and you can create some interesting effects here. Well, I'm going to select my Spiral tool, you can see what I've been...
We're now on Page 27 of your working file, Perfect Shapes and these really do come in very handy. Well, on the toolbar, our previous lesson we worked with the Graph Paper tools, so...

