My name is Elector Augustus. 'Oh,' you will say, 'another Augustus again! How come the Saxons were so affectionate to that name?' Surely, we were not all born in...
Where to find help for ecstasy addiction You want to find help for ecstasy addiction, maybe for yourself, or maybe for a loved one, but where do you start? There are three main sources of medical help...



and beginning I was like to be doing hearing when I leave with their way out commanders like walk out the door it's kinda hard to believe that's over like everyone says the the days go...
this david packard chap at david packard dot com welcome back to the show welcome to everybody who's joining us from the we survived what he will survive obama face book page check that out...
Hey guys, Byron Schrag here, you know all of you guys are making history You're at the RTE, the largest one in the history of WorldVentures many of the venues are completely sold out and what...
My name is Joshua Johnson, I'm from Minneapolis Minnesota. I am 35 years old, and I'm addicted to geocaching. Geocaching is a high-tech treasure hunt, where people use GPS enabled...
- Traveling to Mars would be incredible. It would be, with current technologies, approximately eight months in transit; you'd be on the surface for a year, year and half; and then another...



Hi everybody. Today is January 16th 2014 The jet stream is totally messed up. Our weather has changed. Today here in South Dakota we have no travel advisory because of blizzards. I think last night it...
welcome back to the david fashion show welcome back to the judge is back in here make sure if you have not yet signed up as a david back and show member voted david packing dot com slash membership...
[MUSIC PLAYING] MALE SPEAKER 1: [SPEAKING RUSSIAN] [SOVIET ANTHEM PLAYING] ALISON SEVERS: In 1979, the Soviet army entered Afghanistan, engaging in a brutal 10-year conflict which kick-started the...