Hey, welcome folks. My name is Lars, I'm an illustrator. Today I thought we'll talk about how to draw a flower, maybe this time we'll talk about how we do a simplified flower....
አንቺ አይኖችሽን ተመልከቺ እስቲ እያቸው ህብር ቀለም ውብ ሁሉም በጣም ልዩ ናቸው ሁሉንም እኔ የፈጠርኳቸው ናቸው ሁሉንም እኔ ፈጠርኩ ፍጥረተ አለም አንተም ማንነትሽህን አበጀሁ እንከን የለሽ አረኩሽ ውስብስብ ዕለት በዕልትም ህይወትን ሰጠሁሽ እወድሻሃለሁ ግን አንድ ነገር ሆነ አታለልሽኝ አላመንሽኝም በደልሽኝ...
#I LOVE THEM #FallingForFall #film illustration #takes me back #i'm new here #SUSAN STRONG #such a beautiful video #they used to hate each other #this song is very very special to me and so I had #Things That Make Me Think of You #body acceptance #what am i doing with my life #follw me #girls in glasses #me to you #USA PLACES I'VE BEEN #story book illustration #bringit #girls with tattoos day ♡ #broken glassses #Places I've Been To & Things That I've Seen #dat me #this could be us but you playin #Santa Fe girls #message me #the following #can I come live with you #two broken people #strengthquotes #this place is beautiful #overall #Bring it on #please follow #follow back all #not me #stolenfromreddit #ihopeyouneverdie #will you #takemebackrightnow #follow my life #ty Minnie for bringing me here #broken back #czech girl #65 roses #ST:VOY #I hope you guys like them #Human Beauty in Art, Photographs,& Illustrations #where has this been all my life #Illustrations by me. #i needed to share this #can my marriage be saved #logo inspiration #now I am recommending it #lovethegodinyou #im dyingg #germanic religion #parents with tattoos #doveofgrace #Global Piano Keys #52 reasons why i love you #fallowme #you belive in me #lovemyfollowers #colourmehappy #god plates #♥ Christian Inspiration ♥ #heart glasses #boyfran fav's #THAT SOMEONE SAYING A PRAYER IS ME #sorry i just needed to share this #Contents My Kids Love d #following back 100 #forgive #Places worth visit #i follow #imalreadybroke #a way of u showing me love #share your music #believe in me #Love of my life #i'm not creative at all i'm sorry ;-; #religious journey #pleasefollow #followmylife #broken #but I do love the colors #Places I've seen #thankyoufaithful #stayfaithful #of what all of the nations are meant to be #just ignore me #followplease #union wine #why are you following me #i just found it #showusyourplate #Nailed!Art #but well here you go #moderngirlunion #So I'm a little shallow & vain shoot me. #why me #God I love that guy #Milk glass #if you cant tell #love our ocean's #illustration - Youth #Inspiration is Everywhere #brokenlove #Places I've been to lived in #i thought resembled them #falow #Places I would love to go to #speakintoexistence #fallen19 #godtookyoufromus #thank you followers #ignore me #please follow me #Plat #what film do you use #i also want the 8 bit hearts one #fallen tree #BIG Faves - Inspiration #you're no good to me dead #broken glass #I love this place #it's so short i think everyone should just take an #MyLifeInPictures #artlovingtime #cantmakemechoose #rapuh #Italian Main #deaduseful #Gen X culture study #flowers for the dead #these jokes never get old #Representing Hope #Falling Water #it's stronger than me!!!! #lovinlife #iamstillpaintingflowersforyou #uplifting quotes #me and you #allthenationswillpraisegod #if only yhere was someone out there who loved you #if only there was someone out there who loved you #followtofollowback



[Cheering]… One of the most striking things about Obama's period in office so far, is the continuity with the bush administration, not simply in terms of foreign policy, but in keeping a...
Wedding Invitations: How to Make Formal Invitations Fun My name is Nicole Block of the Nic Studio. I do stationary and illustrations, and I specialize in custom wedding invitations and special event...
Greetings and appropriate salutations to all. It's the 9th day of February 2014. I'm CXI...And this is "All That Matters" [MUSIC]: Instrumental Version: "All...
A flower comes to Earth with a very special mission. In its youth the flower blossoming opens up to the aurora of its life like fires coming to the sky. Each petal opens up, finding new ways and new...



REV JOHN MCRAE TASMANIA The most common experience I had as a hospital chaplain was going to someone whom calamity had struck in some way, perhaps themselves or their children and hearing them say,...
>>Joni: I'm Joni and I have just finished my Masters of Health Communication. I have a very strong interest in Mental Health but also the role that nutrition plays on Mental...
(Ellie) Hi there! Me and Adam area at the end of year show for the 3rd years. So, it’s June, everyone has finished and this is their final show. At the moment we’re at the Illustration and Animation...