Du kom til verden, lå stille der Med store blå øjne, små hænder og tæer Du lå og kiggede rundt, og mærkede et kort sekundt nærvær og varme som ikke gjorde dig ondt Tobias Tobias, du er nu et sted,...



The Running Snake - Translated by Nada Štakić Snake is sleeping in the bush, in the bush, in the bush Snake is sleeping in the bush, in the bush! Woke up in the month of June, month of June, month of...
U provod noćas ti pođi s nama, dok bijeli grad prekriva tama. Pusti probleme, zaboravi sve. Pokreni tijelo uz ritam glazbe. Večeras ludujem ja, večeras luduješ ti. Želim osjetiti te, ma hajde priđi...
The word has no, taste or idea, but two intrusive eyes like, orchid petals, If it has no soul ... I feel you, the music is barely playing. It's a fire that bursts inside me, I feel you,...
You can look to the stars in search of the answers Look for God and life on distant planets Have your faith in the ever after While each of us holds inside the map to the labyrinth And...



Dear Milan, Maja, I've reread your text and it seems to me that I understand better what you wanted to say. There are two topics, one is the issue of social interest. What is the social...
Now and then I think of when we were together Like when you said you felt so happy you could die Told myself that you were right for me But felt so lonely in your company But that was love and...



ранее пресс центр так в октябре сносом школа глава госказначейства выскочила к спиртному скандалом культурным служба банка он от этого каждый сам для острова к самарцам убивают и на них и смартфон о...



GRZEGORZ HALAMA JAROS£AW JAROS INA A STAND-UP COMEDY SHOW BUMS AND THUGS You May have noticed me pulling up my pants every now and then. I don’t know why they haven’t considered… KABARET GRZEGORZ...



Vodim te na igranku,Na na na na igranku, Ku ku ku igranku,Vodim te na igranku. Festa je to,Ne prestaje to, Beat za beat-om,Vers za versom, Mrda se cio svijet s' njom,Jednim potezom i...