ROB SURO Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? Rob: No, I haven't' Do you know anyone who has been? Rob: My parents were in an abusive relationship so I grew up with that - so...
When you think about relationships what does respect mean to you? Everything. You can't have a relationship without respect and trust. You can't have it. What makes a healthy...
In a recent poll conducted by the line, 79% 12-20 year olds say they have a good role model when it comes to relationships. Do you have a bit of a role model that you look up to? Probably my dad....



>> DR DENIS NAPTHINE: I'm very pleased to be here today to officially open the newly completed Hastings Jetty. This jetty -- and I've just had the pleasure of having a...
What do children usually use the internet for? Ha-ah, that’s a good question. There’s some research that came out in… well, earlier this year by Sonia Livingstone at the London School of Economics...
Dermal Fillers, Wrinkles and Facial Aging explained , Melbourne, Australia Aging is actually a progressive process. In case you haven't completed anything to delay it, now may be the time to...
Felicity Verdouw (Reporter): More than 67,000 people have registered with Volunteering Qld to help with the recovery effort across the state. As the clean-up continues, many more are offering their...
Shona Halson: Yeah recovery’s become quite popular over the past few years so recently we’ve got a lot of new data, lot of new information, and because we’re quite decentralised it is important that...



My Dear Students, Our Torah Portion, Behaalotcha, opens with instructions to Aaron, who has just become high priest, on kindling the menorah. We are told: Vaya'as ken Aharon ka'asher...
01-Pedestrians crossing Flinders Street by TravelPod member ritchie 02-Graffiti building by TravelPod member ritchie 03-Buildings at night in the mist by TravelPod member ritchie 04-More buildings at...