Hey youtube, this is Heather Hash and this is the starting to my life vlog i think you can call it? um, yeah.instead of writing, i think it would be better to like, because i dont like writing, my...
now I gotta tell you folks I don't have any tattoos Adele I'm on any body piercings I'm I was personal but it's true no body piercings note had to use on Richard Fowler...
COMM: Anna Nathan Shekory and Tom Fortis Mayor are the cuddle couple. Together the pair run the cuddle workshop - London's foremost cuddle club. The class is intended to offer a safe space for...
I've had my ears pierced. I had my belly button pierced when I was younger. I love body piercing. So I'm a strong advocate of body piercing. I had a belly button ring and took it out...
Hey I'm Meghan. Hi I'm Holland. We're here with About.com, and today we're going to show you how to do at-home ear piercing with a piercing needle. Ear piercing...